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Ryan Reynolds to All Soldier On Members: “I love you guys! You’re my Heroes!”

In this exclusive video message Canadian actor, producer, and entrepreneur Ryan Reynolds expresses his heartfelt appreciation to Soldier On members.

“I want to say how grateful we are for your sacrifice, what you put in each and every day, what you’ve had to go through. I hope I get to meet you guys one of these days in person. I hope I get to shake your hand!”

And if handshakes remain off limits for the foreseeable future, Reynolds says he’ll settle for a chest bump, or worst case, “a crisp digital high five”.

A role-model in celebrity philanthropy, Reynolds is spending his quarantine giving back. Personally, and through his companies Aviation Gin and Mint Mobile, Reynolds has generously supported service industry workers, New York hospitals, food banks in Canada and the US, as well as the Canadian grassroots organization Conquer COVID-19.

Thanks for your friendship, Ryan! We love you too!
