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1. If I attend a local or regional event, can I still apply for a national or international event?

Yes, the event selection criteria have recently been amended so that attending local and regional events will not negatively affect your chance of being selected for a national or international event.

2. I am a serving member. Do I need to take annual leave to participate in a Soldier On event?

No, Soldier On is mandated to support your recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration as a program provided under the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group and participating serving members are considered to be on duty when signed off by their respective Chain of Command.

3. Can I attend a parasport event even if I am able-bodied?

Yes, community-based adaptive sports are for everyone regardless of ill/injury. Give parasports a try. It can be a great way to rediscover your love of sport and physical activity!

4. I am a registered Soldier On member, does that mean I will automatically be selected for events?

No, once you’ve become a registered member, you are eligible to apply to participate in local or regional events taking place in your region, as well as national and international events. It is up to you to check the Soldier On website and social media channels regularly for updates on what events are coming up, along with application deadlines.

5. I’ve recently become a Soldier On member, when will I be able to apply for an equipment grant?

Soldier On defrays the cost of an active lifestyle for eligible members through its equipment grant program. This program is funded exclusively by donations from generous Canadians.  For more detailed information, please see the Applicant Guide to Soldier On Grant.

Due to limited funding and an increased demand, our equipment grant program is currently on pause while we work through a significant backlog. As soon as we are able to re-open the grant program and accept new applications, it will be announced on the Soldier On website.

6. What opportunities are available for Solder On members who do not live in Canada?

Soldier On members who don’t live in Canada can apply to participate in any of our virtual events. They can also apply to participate in events held in-person, but it is important to note that Soldier On will only fund travel domestically from the first point of entry to Canada. Travel is rarely covered for local events.