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Cheryl Bush Finds Inspiration from the Navy Bike Ride

“The Navy Bike Ride is a great opportunity to stay in shape, while also supporting the naval community and Soldier On”, says Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Cheryl Bush, a Marine Technician and Naval Reservist, who is passionate about cycling.

After 35 years in the Navy, CPO2 Cheryl Bush suffers from knee injuries that have deteriorated over time. In 2015, it got to the point where she had to give up on ice hockey and soccer, two sports that she loved to play. A friend on her hockey team told her about Soldier On.

“I always thought that Soldier On was just for war veterans who had lost limbs in combat. I didn’t realize it could also benefit someone like myself who was still serving but whose injuries were severe enough that they impeded my ability to stay physically active. Soldier On helped me consider alternative, low-impact sports like cycling,” she says.

Bush had always enjoyed cycling and had 20 years of experience as a spinning instructor, but since 2015, she has really taken her cycling to the next level. At the 2017 Invictus Games she cycled for Team Canada, and in 2018 she participated in the Navy Bike Ride. “It was a great opportunity to spend time with shipmates and their families,” she remembers.

While socializing will be harder in this year’s edition, Bush still believes that the virtual Navy Bike Ride is a great way to make the best of the situation without violating physical distancing recommendations.

“Cycling is an excellent low-impact sport that offers both a cardio workout and good muscle training exercise,” she says.

Bush will be joining the virtual Soldier On cycling team. The best thing about the Navy Bike Ride going virtual is that there are no space limitations and no cost involved, so Bush encourages everyone to sign up and give it a try.

“Let’s ride the summer away,” she says.
