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Cpl (retired) Christine Brouillette

Cpl (retired) Christine Brouillette

In 2016, after almost 14 years of service, I had to leave the Canadian armed forces following back and neck injuries sustained while practicing my profession as an aeronautical technician.

Although I am fortunate to receive good care, the pain is chronic and greatly affects my quality of life. I also suffer from anxiety which adds a challenge to my daily life.

I was a very athletic and hyperactive person. For me, movement is health and it is still true today. I had to accept my situation and adapt my lifestyle to this new reality. No more hockey with colleagues, impact sports, long motorcycle trips, the horse riding that I loved so much.

After I left the forces, unable to serve my country, I felt useless. I had lost my military family, my identity, my sense of belonging, this strong bond that unites us. I isolated myself at home for several months.

I had heard about Soldier On before I left the forces. I decided to get out of my comfort zone and participate in activities. Thanks to Soldier On, I was able to do several sports and activities according to my current abilities and without judgment of others. No pressure, only fun. I have met a lot of people who also experience their own daily challenge. I rediscovered the spirit of camaraderie that I experienced during my military career. I don't feel alone anymore.

I started fly fishing with veterans. Soldier On paid for some of my equipment, allowing me to practice this sport which makes me feel so good.

Thanks to Soldier On, I can keep moving and keep myself physically and mentally healthy. Thank you, Soldier On!

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