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Soldier On Members Complete the Canmore Triple Crown Challenge

Between September 2-19, Soldier On members in Alberta met once a week to take on the Triple Crown hiking challenge: 20km’s worth of climbing up and descending from the peaks of three mountains in the area.

"My hiking experience was one of the highlights of my year," said participant WO (retired) Phil Palmer, whose previous military experience includes serving with the Royal Canadian Regiment, 1st / 2nd Battalions and Paratrooper with 3 Commando, Canadian Airborne Regiment.

"The series of hikes got progressively more difficult, higher, longer, and were both physically and mentally challenging. The entire experience was a tremendous boost to my confidence, health, and reminded me of how lucky we are to live with such an amazing natural resource in our own backyard. Summiting a near three thousand meter peak, after four to five hours of strenuous climbing along the precipice of a sheer cliff face, is a remarkable experience. The three things I felt at the top of all three peaks were freedom, pride in my teammates, and a great sense of personal accomplishment."

Ryan Vincent, Regional Coordinator for the province of Alberta, joined the group on the third and final trek. "It took us five hours to reach the summit of 1380 metres and three hours to return to the base of the hill," he noted. "The event in general was a huge success and the feedback was outstanding with comments such as 'by attending this event, my ability to socialize in a military environment improved' and 'my confidence improved'."

"We felt truly blessed with having a diverse, energetic, funny, and accommodating group of people, great weather, and in Ryan Vincent, an accomplished leader," added Palmer. "Soldering On alongside fellow veterans reminds me of some of the best times I had in the military over my 27-year career. I feel that the Triple Crown hiking event truly exemplified the French motto Sans Limites: 'No Limits!'"
