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Karen Spencer Finds Camaraderie Through Photography

Cpl (retired) Karen Spencer recently participated in the Soldier On “Introduction to Photography” workshop in Oromocto, NB. When first joining Soldier On, she was worried that her chronic pain would prevent her from participating in most activities due to the focus on sports and physical recreation. Photography turned out to be the perfect fit for her.

When Spencer learned that she had been selected for the photography workshop, she was excited as it was something she felt she could do. “I felt it would encourage me to get more active, outside and taking pictures,” she said.
“I almost backed out of the course when my name was selected. The self-doubt, I don’t think I can do this, being around strangers, what if I can’t fit in, was circling in my head.”

“My anxiety was very high about going, the first evening I was very apprehensive and anxious but once I arrived and notice that everyone there was kind, nonjudgmental and welcoming I started to relax. The classes were so informative, it was exciting to be able to use a camera and do fun things. The classes left me wanting more.”

“Before I knew it, I was looking forward to Tuesday nights, learning new things and laughing and smiling (even though we had masks on due to Covid-19 protocol). I loved interacting with people, who like me, were working to overcome mental / physical adversities and seeing them so energetic and enthusiastic to learn.”
“For me, Soldier On has helped me start to open ‘the box’ that I have been in for years. It has given me incentive to work hard with my rehab so I can physically get out there and hopefully partake in other adventures that Soldier On provides.”
“I feel very proud of myself for being able to complete the course and I can honestly say I had a great time. It has been years since I have been able to attend or participate in a group setting. I found the Soldier On staff and participants very caring, understanding and supportive.”
This experience has made me want to 'Soldier On’ with a smile on my face and look towards my positive future.”
